Your church needs your full attention.
Pastors Should Be Able to Focus on What They Do Best
We can’t sit down and prepare a sermon or a worship set. Technology is all we do – every single day. Get time back to do what you do best. Together we’ll make Sundays at your church the best they can be.
Uptime AVL can affordably ease your church’s technical burden.
Tech maintenance and progress, but without the salary.
No tech director? No Problem.
Churches without tech directors used to have staff working multiple rolls or volunteers trying to help with things they aren’t fully equipped to do.
Uptime AVL not only saves you money, but also keeps your church technology maintained and up to date.
$3,000 – 12,000/year
Next Step: Contact Us
Expensive technology should work how it’s supposed to. We’ll help you get the most out of your investment. Contact us today for a consultation.
$2000 + Travel If Needed
Full Day, On-site Consultation
Fill out a brief questionnaire before our meeting. We’ll take a full 8 hour day to talk through issues, diagnose root problems, and offer solutions to finally solve your church tech struggles. You’ll receive a detailed report to take to a board to help prove the point of an ongoing contract need or system overhaul.
Trusted By Churches Like Yours
Imagine Sundays Free From Tech Stress
Nowadays, a church service is supported by a lineup of technology that has the potential to work against you when it should be working for you.
In order to be a competent church leader, you need to leverage your audio, video, and lighting systems. They should be running well every Sunday of the year.
We understand church tech stress. And we’re committed to helping church leaders like you leave it behind. Working with churches big and small for the last 15+ years to advance the gospel through technology has showed us that most churches just need a bit of help.
Leave church tech stress behind and start experiencing technology systems that work correctly.